> My take on SIM PINs is that they are pointless. 

I would disagree somewhat.

In an embedded environment they are of some value because
- the fs may well be crypted or otherwise protected and is probably on
- the average car thief doesn't talk JTAG anyway

The average car thief however does talk 'hammer and screwdriver' which
means that their ability to remove the SIM card is far higher than
their ability to extract a PIN from a lump of electronics buried
somewhere in a vehicle or other device.

So I would disagree they are pointless merely imperfect as with all
security measures. And we can imagine a world in the future where the
crypto key to the fs on the car control system is contained in a
smartcard or is in a two wire chip buried in the ignition key ....[1]

It's all a question of risk, ultimately yes a SIM PIN is imperfect on
any device because 'excuse me the object in front of you is an Uzi, I'd
like your phone and SIM code please' is going to be a failure case.

That doesn't make it non-useful.

[1] At which point people will re-flash cars rather than hotwire them ;)
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