
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Patrik Flykt

>         Hi,
> On Mon, 2013-04-29 at 12:17 +0530, harshal patel wrote:
> > 3. Major Categories of Failure:
> > -------------------------------
> >  * Error message/category with RFC and Test Case Number
> >
> >   "Could not get Confirm Message"
> >   RFC3315: 3, 41, 44, 45, 75
> Where can I see what functionality those test case numbers map to?

Details of test case is provided in this document:

And I guess, support for "Confirm Message" and "Decline Message" is missing.

Please refer 18.1.2 of RFC 3315 for "Confirm Message".

> >  *  RFC 3315
> >    Section: 15.1 Use of Transaction IDs
> >    "A client MUST leave the transaction ID unchanged in
> > retransmissions of a message."
> >    * ConnMan changes the Transaction ID every time.
> This one has been fixed with commit
> 28e7946111f347cd22f1c872fff66c3725ea3583
> >  * RFC 3315
> >    Section: 22.9 Elapsed Time Option
> >    "A client MUST include an Elapsed Time option in messages to
> > indicate
> >    how long the client has been trying to complete a DHCP message
> >    exchange."
> >    * ConnMan doesn't have this option in message.
> This one was added by commit 1aa44c8ddaacf4c2e1377b3c29a0ef6685ab95e4
> Both fixes are upstream. If these are the only bugs behind all the test
> case failures reported, now you can retest.
> I just saw updates regarding these fixes. Good work guys. :)

I shall re-initiate testing and share the results asap.

Btw when is the plan for next release?

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