On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:20 AM, Patrik Flykt wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 13:54 -0700, Andrew LeCain wrote:
>> We do indeed have a sleep manager that will put our system to deep
>> sleep/suspend. This sleep manager also uses the RTC to schedule a wake
>> for
>> future tasks. However, the wifi chip we use performs suspend-idle
>> association and is configured with wake-on-WLAN filters to wake the
>> host
>> for certain network traffic addressed to the device. This allows us to
>> keep
>> a consistent association to the network despite the primary processor
>> being
>> asleep.
> Indeed I suspected this to be the case. Thanks for the explanation!
>> Unless the DHCP lease statistics are known. it's not possible for the
>> sleep
>> manager to schedule wakeups to renew the DHCP lease. If there are no
>> scheduled wakeup events that occur during the renewal period of the
>> lease
>> then we will lose our lease and no longer are woken up by packets
>> addressed
>> to us. Additionally, we don't want to suspend in the middle of a DHCP
>> renewal, and therefore need to be able to query the DHCP state from
>> our
>> client. It doesn't appear that the session api provides this
>> information.
> The API does not provide this information as it really is not a useful
> metric.
> What you actually must do is a separate plugin in plugins/ that properly
> takes care of negotiating sleep states with this external daemon. This
> way also other events considered important enough can be taken care of
> later on. With a specific plugin it will be clear what is going on;
> extra properties that have no direct connection with or used by anything
> else have a tendency to be plainly broken or just removed. Adding DHCP
> stats that are very important but implicit in their nature for a
> specific use case is not the way forward.

Plug-in or not, DHCP will have to expose some state. In the proposal on the 
table, that exposure is via the IPv4 dictionary. In the plug-in 
counterproposal, some API provided exposure will need to be provided such that 
the plug-in may use to negotiate with the external daemon.

> The next issue that comes to mind is how a system "sleep API" like this
> can be generalized to be useful for other daemons.

This sounds like a nice opportunity for future architectural enhancement; 
however, it seems a bit out of scope based on the proposal on the table.

In a "CanSuspend" / "WillSuspend" type registration entity within connman to 
support something like this, do you envision anything beyond DHCPv4 would 
register with it?


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