On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Patrik Flykt <patrik.fl...@linux.intel.com>

> What if we go back to square zero and ask what problem is solved by
> keeping ConnMan associated with the network during a long suspend vs.
> the fact that ConnMan simply reconnects after being resumed? What are
> the problems needing fixing caused by autoconnect on resume?


The issue with losing connectivity while we are in suspend is that the
device is unreachable by an outside host during this time. If we keep our
lease refreshed with the host while in a suspend, we are still able to
receive wake-up packets from the outside world. If we don't wake up
periodically to renew our lease, we can potentially lose connectivity in
periods of time when we would otherwise not.

Obviously the logic on when to wake up cannot be handled by connman, but
the information required (dhcp lease duration, start time, status, etc)
must be provided by connman in order to make this decision. You'd already
indicated that you don't think it is suitable to include this information
in the connman 'ifconfig' dbus interface and so I've written a plugin to
perform this role. The final issue is that there is no way in the connman
API to get the above mentioned DHCP statistics associated with an ifconfig
to the plugin.

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