Hi Jose,

On pe, 2014-06-27 at 08:09 +0200, Daniel Wagner wrote:
> Hi JP,
> On 06/26/2014 07:33 PM, Jose Pablo Carballo wrote:
> > I am using ConnMan 0.55 to be compatible with the software stack that is
> > running in my embedded system. Newer versions of ConnMan would require
> > newer versions of libresolv, glib, and others, so my plan is to continue
> > with 0.55.
> 0.55 is really old and I fear that no one is able to help you with that
> version in case you hit a real bug. Which shouldn't be hard to find...
> These were the dark ages.
> But I would suggest you to look at getting a new version of ConnMan
> compiled on your system. You might need to add some workarounds in
> ConnMan to get it working again but I think this approach has more
> potential to succeed.

I would agree with Daniel here. The dependencies to newer versions
should not be that bad and is probably the easier route.

> > To give you more context, my system does not have ethernet, I just have one
> > wifi interface "wlan0". I'm able to scan using this interface (iw wlan0
> > scan), and connect to secured networks using wpa_supplicant, etc. Now I
> > want to use ConnMan on top of wpa_supplicant.
> > 
> > I've been having some difficulty finding documentation for using ConnMan
> > 0.55, since other documentation assume for example the existence of
> > connmanctl (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Connman), which I don't
> > think is in version 0.55. I'm a bit lost also on how to use ConnMan, so any
> > help is appreciated.
> That version has no command line tool written in C to control ConnMan.
> Only Python based scripts are available (see test directory in the
> source tree). I presume you don't have a Python environment on your system?
> q
> > I've cross-compiled CM with these options: --enable-wifi --enable-test
> > --enable-client --enable-resolvconf

I think you do not need --enable-test or --enable-client here.

> If you don't want standalone plugins you can do a builtin plugin via
> --enable-wifi=builtin. Just a side node. Nothing to do with your question.
> > The files that I get installed in my filesystem are:
> > 
> >   /etc/dbus-1/system.d/connman.conf
> >   /usr/lib/connman/plugins/wifi.la
> >   /usr/sbin/connmand
> > 
> > With these, I'm running the daemon after bringing the interface up
> > (ifconfig wlan0 up) and nothing more:
> > 
> >   connmand --debug --device wlan0 --plugin wifi --wifi nl80211
> > 
> > From these, I'm not sure about the "--wifi" option, I specified nl80211.
> > The daemon starts without complaints.
> Are you sure the device is called wlan0? You don't need to list it
> explicitly. ConnMan should pick it up.
> > So far, I've been able to execute these commands to talk with CM through
> > dbus:
> > 
> > # gdbus introspect --system -d org.moblin.connman -o /
> > 
> > node / {
> >   interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
> >     methods:
> >       Introspect(out s arg_0);
> >   };
> >   interface org.moblin.connman.Manager {
> >     methods:
> >       GetProperties(out a{sv} arg_0);
> >       SetProperty(in  s arg_0,
> >                   in  v arg_1);
> >       GetState(out s arg_0);
> >       CreateProfile(in  s arg_0,
> >                     out o arg_1);
> >       RemoveProfile(in  o arg_0);
> >       RemoveProvider(in  s arg_0);
> >       RequestScan(in  s arg_0);
> >       EnableTechnology(in  s arg_0);
> >       DisableTechnology(in  s arg_0);
> >       GetServices(out a(oa{sv}) arg_0);
> >       LookupService(in  s arg_0,
> >                     out o arg_1);somewhere
> >       ConnectService(in  a{sv} arg_0,
> >                      out o arg_1);
> >       ConnectProvider(in  a{sv} arg_0,
> >                       out o arg_1);
> >       RegisterAgent(in  o arg_0);
> >       UnregisterAgent(in  o arg_0);
> >       RegisterCounter(in  o arg_0,
> >                       in  u arg_1,
> >                       in  u arg_2);
> >       UnregisterCounter(in  o arg_0);
> >       RequestSession(in  s arg_0,
> >                      out o arg_1);
> >       ReleaseSession(in  s arg_0);
> >     signals:
> >       PropertyChanged(s arg_0,
> >                       v arg_1);
> >       StateChanged(s arg_0);
> >   };
> >   node profile
> > };
> > 
> > 
> > It seems to me that I only have available the "Manager" interface, and I
> > can't do much with it. If, for instance, I do GetProperties I understand
> > that I don't have AvailableTechnologies:
> > 
> >  # dbus call --system -d org.moblin.connman -o / -m
> > org.moblin.connman.Manager.GetProperties
> > ({'ActiveProfile': <objectpath '/profile/default'>, 'Profiles':
> > <[objectpath '/profile/default']>, 'Services': <@ao []>, 'Providers': <@ao
> > []>, 'Technologies': <@ao []>, 'State': <'offline'>, 'OfflineMode':
> > <false>, 'Tethering': <false>, 'AvailableTechnologies': <@as []>,
> > 'EnabledTechnologies': <@as []>, 'ConnectedTechnologies': <@as []>,
> > 'DefaultTechnology': <''>, 'AvailableDebugs': <@as []>, 'EnabledDebugs':
> > <@as []>},)
> > 
> > 
> > So I'm a bit lost, hopefully someone can point me to some documentation to
> > look at, or a missing configuration file?
> First, OfflineMode is off, which is good. Second the wifi technology
> should show up when ConnMan was able to find an adapter/device. Can you
> post the log output from ConnMan somewhere an send a link here (e.g
> pastbin)?

By default the wifi technology is off when you start ConnMan first time
so you need to enable it first. See/use the python test scripts in
ConnMan sources in test/ directory how to do it.


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