Without sql command:

1- with data-management: export the db
java -Xmx512m -jar data-management-cli-1.1-beta-2-app.jar -buildsJdbcUrl 
jdbc:derby:path_continuum_old_db -mode EXPORT

2- start Continuum to create an empty db (with the good schema)

3- stop Continuum

4- import datas with data-management
java -Xmx512m -jar data-management-cli-1.1-beta-2-app.jar -buildsJdbcUrl 
jdbc:derby:path_continuum_new_db -mode IMPORT

5- start Continuum

data-management jar is available here: 


Jesse McConnell a écrit :
And this is what I did...

I pulled the database someplace that I could run squirrelsql and ran the
following sql statements to update the database, then I put the database
back into place and started the updated version.


ALTER TABLE INSTALLATION ADD installation_id integer not null default 0;


alter table profiles add builder_installation_id_oid integer;

alter table profiles add jdk_installation_id_oid integer;

alter table projectdependency add modified_dependencies_id_own integer;

alter table projectdependency add modified_dependencies_integer_idx integer;

alter table profile_environmentvariables drop foreign key

alter table profile_environmentvariables drop foreign key

alter table profiles drop foreign key profiles_fk1;

alter table profiles drop foreign key profiles_fk2;

alter table installation drop primary key;

alter table installation add primary key (installation_id);

alter table profiles add CONSTRAINT profiles_fk1 foreign key
(builder_installation_id_oid) references installation (installation_id);

alter table profiles add CONSTRAINT profiles_fk2 foreign key
(jdk_installation_id_oid) references installation (installation_id);

alter table profile_environmentvariables add CONSTRAINT profile_envi2v_fk2
foreign key (installation_id_eid) references installation (installation_id);

alter table profile_environmentvariables add CONSTRAINT profile_envi2v_fk1
foreign key (id_oid) references profiles (id);




On 8/17/07, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's what I did (this is a once off thing, though we really need to
make sure changes are backwards compatible and can handle missing
metadata in the future...)

- run data-management from 1.1-beta-1 to export the build database (I
had to build this from source)
- edit the exported builds.xml to add <installationId>1</
installationId> to each installation (using sequential numbers)
- change name="..." to installationId="..." in each profile by
replacing the name with the corresponding installation ID
- comment out the environmentVariables profile since it would cause a
duplicate PK (maybe a bug in the data management)
- import the database again using data management from 1.1-beta-2.

In case anyone needs it :)


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