What is your url provided in add screen?


Aaron Freeman a écrit :
Thanks for the reply! I uncommented the "allowedScheme" for the type
'file', and then tried the path the way you suggested (and any other
way I could think of), and it still says "You must provide a valid
URL". I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Is there something I need to
do to make this change take affect?

On 3/24/06, Mark Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

See this:

Then add your POM URL like this: file:///C:/path/to/pom/pom.xml

Aaron Freeman wrote:

I am bran new to Continuum. I have been learning Maven over last few
weeks and have a decent understanding of it, now I'm trying to figure
out how to setup Continuum. We got it installed and running, and now
we are trying to get one of our Maven project to build under it. On
the Continuum page where you add a new POM it asks for the POM URL I'm
not sure what to enter. We are using ClearCase for our version control
(without the web interface), so all I have to give it is a path in the
file system to the POM. Everything we have tried to put in has come
back as invalid. I don't know what it is expecting.

Can anyone help?

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