We are in the phase of adapting to the Continuum as CI tool here at our
organization.We are using the latest version available on Continuum Home.
For the testing purposes the Continuum worked beautifully but with actual
project from CVS, its taking quite a bit of time, after the checkout when I
give the build command, after waiting for certain time "JVM appears to be
hung" error comes and the JVM gets restarted, hence I loose the earlier
progress in the build.

Could please someone help out as if it is a configuration problem somewhere
or anything more serious?
The exact error is :
ERROR  | wrapper  | 2007/11/29 19:17:18 | JVM appears hung: Timed out
waiting for signal from JVM.
ERROR  | wrapper  | 2007/11/29 19:17:18 | JVM did not exit on request,
STATUS | wrapper  | 2007/11/29 19:17:24 | Launching a JVM...*

Hemant Malik

We are working with :
1) Maven 2.0.7
2) CVS
3) Continuum 1.1

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