*What happens:*

1. i added 3 separate goals as stated in the URL I was given.
  * |--> 1st goal run clean install site
   |--> 2nd goal dashboard-report:dashboard
   |--> 3rd goal site:deploy*

2. I have the default schedule set to hourly.
3. The default schedule kicked off the 1st goal of clean install site
*4. build was successful (only 1st goal was run)*
5. Continuum did nothing else for 1 hour.

if I run 3 separate commands as per each goal above, the dashboard and site
deploy works fine.

*What I expect:*

   1. *1st goal runs successfully.*
   2. *then, 2nd goal runs successfully*
   3. *then 3rd goal runs successfully.*
   4. *then continuum stops until next SCHEDULE.*

My basic issue is that my continuum does not seem to run more than the 1st
goal for a project as setup in the "Project Information Tab", "Build
Definitions" section" of continuum.

On Jan 20, 2008 12:43 PM, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 18, 2008 12:25 PM, Mick Knutson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How do I run more than one goal in a series? Can anyone help me?
> Not until you clearly tell us what you did, what happened, and how
> that differed from what you expected to happen.  I see you've linked
> to some instructions, but you can't expect us to go read it and guess
> what you did.  Likewise, what looks like configuration pasted in from
> the Continuum web page is impossible to read in email.
> What do you mean by 'only the first goal is ever run'?  That it only
> does 'mvn clean' and then stops?
> The default build definition in Continuum is 'clean install' (two
> different things), so I don't see why your 'clean package site' would
> be any different.
> Does the same command work for you outside of Continuum?
> --
> Wendy
> http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html<http://catb.org/%7Eesr/faqs/smart-questions.html>
> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html<http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/%7Esgtatham/bugs.html>

Mick Knutson


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