Late this month, we are planning to hold our first dance in over a year. It 
will be outside, by invitation only, and you must show your vaccination card. 
We feel fairly safe under those conditions and the dancers have so far been 
100% supportive of the requirements.


I got my second vaccination about 4 weeks ago. Three weeks ago, I was asked to 
call a dance at a wedding and was assured it would be a small group and all 
COVID precautions would be taken. Instead, the room was packed with over 200 
people, not a mask in sight. There’s probably not much of a way you can force 
the issue once you are there and things have started. My wife and I hunkered 
down for about 10 days after that, just to be on the safe side.


Harold Watson

Fayetteville Traditional Dance Society


From: Bob Peterson via Contra Callers <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 8:44 AM
To: Bob Peterson <>
Cc: Contra Callers <>
Subject: [Callers] Re: Question on Gig Requests


P.S. I am only addressing the question "When should I call dances again?" 


Dance organizers have a separate, and much more difficult, question of when to 
run dances again.



On May 4, 2021, at 18:18, Bob via Contra Callers 
<> > wrote:


It feels very odd to think about breaking from my COVID safety measures. I 
expect a lot of callers also will be dealing with emotions regarding relaxing 
after COVID. But we instituted safety measures based on science so I’m 
satisfied to drop them based on science, too. 


I'm vaccinated ("maxccinated" too , after having passed 2 weeks since my second 
shot). Science reporting says I'm safe on both senses: safe from others, and 
others are safe from me spreading the virus. I’m ready to call in September 
within my geographic area. 


The prospect today of calling 3-4 months from now can seem daunting, but for 
our area the numbers have been moving in the right direction and at a good pace 
so I'd expect September to look safe enough to dance for everyone concerned. I 
can't speak regarding other regions I'm not as familiar with.


Dance organizers need to make their own determinations for what is safe for 
their population per their understanding of science reporting and local health 
rules. I think dances should be run with more health precautions than was usual 
before COVID. The flu is deadly enough, and even colds are just no fun. (We 
practically eliminated influenza this last season, so more social health 
responsibility is better.) 


An invitation to call is an opportunity for a teachable moment, if you think 
organizers are being reckless.


\Bob Peterson

Billerica, MA <>  

On May 4, 2021, at 16:37, Woody Lane via Contra Callers 
<> > wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

The pandemic has shut down dances for nearly 15 months, but things may be 
beginning to change. I would like your input on this --

I just received my first request to call at a regular community dance. The 
dance would be scheduled for September. (The organizers are beginning to 
schedule for the fall.) This would be a typical evening indoor dance held in a 
gym. Pre-covid attendance was 70-100. The organizers assured me that safety 
protocols would be followed, etc. I have not responded yet. (I am fully 

Has anyone else begun receiving invitations to call dances? How far out? What 
are your thoughts on this situation? What is your sense of risk and comfort and 
community responsibility? I'd really like to get some feedback from this group. 


Woody Lane
Caller, Percussive Dancer 
Roseburg, Oregon <> 
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