Hi everyoneThis is kind of a newbie question. I've never called Naked In California [Nils 
Fredland] before and I'm thinking about how to teach it. I think I've mostly figured it 
out, but I welcome your comments on my thoughts below:(1) I would like for everyone to 
identify their shadows straight away. I think the best way is to have everyone take hands 
in long lines then "If you are on the end and your left hand is free, your shadow is 
the person in your right hand (introduce yourselves). Everyone else, your shadow is the 
person across and two to the left of you".   Is there a better way? (2) After the 
partner allemande, if the dancers on the ends have no one in the right hand, it seems to 
me that they have to stay put (there is no wrap around etc.). Is that correct?(3) It 
looks like people out on the ends need to swap in the usual way.Thanks for any help you 
can provide.Ted
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