Hi Amy,

Barn burners can be a composite of many things -- choreography, tunes, tempo, 
dancer skill. Also the caller's voice if used well. One of the greatest BB 
dances I ever danced to was at a festival with a festival orchestra/band 
playing a rousing Chorus Jig.

But I like moves like down-the-hall, or one or two balances, or a hey that 
dancers just flow into (as in "Rockin' Robin" or "Anastasia"). And not a high 
piece count, so the dance is easy on tired brains, especially when the band 
kicks into a higher tempo. Like increasing the tempo slightly on a tune-change. 
And the dance not too long -- following the old vaudeville principle of 
"leave'em wanting more".

For example, a dance with a couple of well-placed balances, ending the medley 
with "Music for a Found Harmonium" can be a capstone of barn-burning 
excitement. (-- with the right band, of course.)

Roseburg, OR

On 2/4/2023 3:05 PM, Amy Wimmer via Contra Callers wrote:
Hey All,

What are your favorite barn burner contras? I have a few, but they get old.


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