yes, 4 people!! John S tells me it is called an Ocean Wave, sorry about that :)

The resources below are exactly what I was looking for - thank you so much for including ways of getting in and out of the wave, I definitely need that too!

Love this list...

Kat K

Alan J Rosenthal via Contra Callers <>
Monday, April 1, 2024 3:10 PM

Assuming I'm guessing correctly that the length of a "short wavy line" is
four people, you could look to modern square dance for ideas of figures.
One of them is "Swing Through", where if for example you have a wave
where the outer people have right hands joined and the middles have left
hands joined, you drop hands in the middle and turn half by the right,
then the new middles turn half by the left. More generally, you can do
these outer and inner half-turns in any combination.

Swing Through instruction and demo:

You can also trade down the line in various combinations, e.g. everyone
trade with the person facing the same way as them (walking forward),
which is called "Trade the Wave" -- instruction and demo at:
Various variants are possible (many of which have names in modern
square dance), such as just one of the pairs trading by turning half,
the middles turning half, the two ends trading (they would both orbit
the others since they're walking forward), etc.

Then, there are interesting ways to get into a wave:
In addition to simply stepping forward into a wave, we have for example
Follow your Neighbour:
Pass the Ocean:
Dosado to a Wave: (I don't see a video for it in that series, but anyway,
it's do-si-do but then keep going around a bit further to make a wave --
it's pretty much do-si-do followed by step to a wave)

To get out of a wave, figures include
Single Hinge:
Cast Off Three Quarters:
Explode the Wave:
"Recycle" generally seems to be more difficult for people.

ajr, dancing in and near Toronto, Canada
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Katherine Kitching via Contra Callers <>
Monday, April 1, 2024 2:30 PM
Hi folks-

As I've mentioned before, our Halifax group is not very advanced - we welcome a lot of beginners each month, and our regulars are not super regular or super skilled.. - and so the practice we've settled on is to choose one "feature figure" each month to focus on teaching....

in the first part of the evening we break down the figure in detail so everyone gets a chance to learn it inside-out... then do a few dances that has that figure in it, but nothing else difficult (not even swings! unless swing is the feature figure for that evening).

Then at the very end of the evening we do an "advanced segment" where we call a few dances quickly with little teaching (probably more like what all of your dances look like!) - and those dances include all sorts of figures that have been featured over the past 6+ months. (Usually most of the beginners have been tired out and gone home at this point)

Anyhow, this month our feature figure will be short wavy lines - and I don't have a lot of experience with them myself.

Could anyone point me towards some videos where short wavy lines are featured?

I'm interested in being able to watch different fun things that can be done in SWLs... including the Rory O'Moore sequence, and other simple/basic actions.

No need to send me videos of more elaborate and unusual types of SWL figures.

Also no need to worry about the content of the rest of the dance - I generally write custom dances to incorporate the feature figure while keeping everything else way simpler than you folks are used to :)

I want to do 3 dances with SWLs - each one with a slightly different type of SWL figure - I can think of balancing then allemanding haflway around, repeat...

and the Rory O'Moore sequence as the final more tricky one...

But is there something else I could do in short wavy lines too?

and I would like to see the first two in action so I can make sure to feel confident in my teaching!!

Many thanks :)

Kat in Hfx

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