On Fri, 11 May 2001, Miguel Beccari wrote:

:~>> Hello Everyone:
:~>> What is the latest version of this distro?
:~>> I seem to have a hard time finding information about this distro.  Any
:~>> suggestions for web site, etc?
:~>I cant find infos about cooke-firewall.
:~>I planned to setup up 3 servers and I'd like to use this distro.
:~>So my question is:
:~>when the stable release comes out?
:~>one month? two?

Miguel (and others),

Distro will be out very soon (less than one month), and I'm curious to
hear answer to one question from you and other raders of this list: money.

That is, what would you (or your customers) like to get from us (related
to MandrakeSecurity), and how much are you willing to pay for it?

I'm asking this question because of one really unpleasant detail: if
everyone simply downloads the distribution, and we don't earn on it, I bet
the distribution will eventually end up in trash can, and you will end up
with unsupported (== no more security updates! == useless) distribution on
your firewall. ;-)

So: how much is your security worth to you, and what do you expect to have
from Mandrakesoft in return? In my opinion, best thing to do would be some
kind of long-term commitment from both sides, like:

Customer: monthly fee of X$/server during next Y months (years).
Mandrakesoft: commitment to do (whatever) during the same period.

Dr. Denis Havlik               http://MandrakeForum.com
Mandrakesoft           |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Community             (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working conditions,
paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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