On Friday 11 May 2001 08:13 am, you wrote:
> On Fri, 11 May 2001, Miguel Beccari wrote:
> :~>> Hello Everyone:
> :~>>
> :~>> What is the latest version of this distro?
> :~>>
> :~>> I seem to have a hard time finding information about this distro.  Any
> :~>> suggestions for web site, etc?
> :~>>
> :~>
> :~>I cant find infos about cooke-firewall.
> :~>
> :~>I planned to setup up 3 servers and I'd like to use this distro.
> :~>So my question is:
> :~>
> :~>when the stable release comes out?
> :~>
> :~>one month? two?
> :~>
> Miguel (and others),
> Distro will be out very soon (less than one month), and I'm curious to
> hear answer to one question from you and other raders of this list: money.
> That is, what would you (or your customers) like to get from us (related
> to MandrakeSecurity), and how much are you willing to pay for it?
> I'm asking this question because of one really unpleasant detail: if
> everyone simply downloads the distribution, and we don't earn on it, I bet
> the distribution will eventually end up in trash can, and you will end up
> with unsupported (== no more security updates! == useless) distribution on
> your firewall. ;-)
> So: how much is your security worth to you, and what do you expect to have
> from Mandrakesoft in return? In my opinion, best thing to do would be some
> kind of long-term commitment from both sides, like:

Not sure exactly but this may be one of those things to charge a subscription 
for. If you want the download version go right ahead but if you want the 
security updates you still need to buy into the subcription service.

This is were mandrake comes in. They are basicly charging for access to thier 
servers and timely updates to any security issues. If the download users 
don't choose ot pay for this service then maybe the updates can be put in a 
public download area after say 2 or 3 weeks. Or maybe don't make the updates 
available at all to non subscribers. The real user's out ther could always 
get the source and compile there own. 

I have to admit I like the 2 or 3 week plan the best. Maybe even a month. 
That way business and security consious useres get imediate access to the 
updates and the casual users still are able to get the same upadates later 
on. Seeing as casual useres are not as prone to attack this might be a good 
comprimise. And just think about this red hat charges everyone for thier 

One last option might also be to have an update cd released every 3 or 4 
months maybe sooner for big security issues. Kind of like mandrake freq. Make 
the cd imediatly available to those that subscribe to the service but the 
rest of the publick has to wait maybe for a quarterly release.

> Customer: monthly fee of X$/server during next Y months (years).
> Mandrakesoft: commitment to do (whatever) during the same period.
>       Denis


Brook Humphrey
Mobile PC Medic
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