Art Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've had hell trying to get port forwarding to work properly on my SNF
> 8.2-BETA box.  Everything else (squid, dansguardian) simply rocks,
> though.  Here's the dilemma:
> eth0:
> eth1: ext.ip.addr.inet
> NAT works great, transparent squid proxying works great, but I'm trying
> to forward SMTP from a Postfix gateway on the DMZ and forward HTTPS from
> the Internet to allow outside users to securely check their e-mail from
> home w/o sending plaintext passwords all over the place.  The setup has
> been working well w/ snf-7.2/ipchains, but I'd like to standardize on
> snf-8.2 if possible.  Here's what syslog reports to me when I try HTTPS
> from the outside:
> proxy kernel: Shorewall:wan2all:DROP:IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=  SRC=external
> test IP address DST=ext.ip.addr.inet LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64
> ID=46581 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=33159 DPT=443 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
> Relevant rules from /etc/shorewall/rules:
> ACCEPT  lan     wan     tcp     smtp    -
> ACCEPT  wan     lan     tcp     smtp    -
> ACCEPT  lan     wan     tcp     https   -
> ACCEPT  wan     lan     tcp     https   -
> ACCEPT  wan     lan: tcp     smtp    -       all
> ACCEPT  wan     lan: tcp     https   -       all
> And /etc/shorewall/interfaces:
> lan   eth0    detect  routestopped
> wan   eth1    detect  noping

hello there,

I have noticed that you have two rules on https

I do the same thing here and this what I get on the firewall:

[root@firewall root]# grep https /etc/shorewall/rules      
ACCEPT  dmz     wan     tcp     https   -       
ACCEPT  lan     wan     tcp     https   -       
ACCEPT  wan     dmz:       tcp     https   -       all

> Finally, /etc/shorewall/policy:
> lan   wan     ACCEPT
> fw      wan     ACCEPT
> wan   all     DROP    info
> all   all     REJECT  info

I have everything on DROP ...

in my case, a https connexion on the external IP of the firewall will
redirect me on the dmz https server. Is your server inside the lan zone ? 


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