well, that's how much space it takes up when installed amaury,
but how much is necessary to have in order to install? i have 2x500mb disks, 
snf only took up up 200mb of that but when trying to upgrade using the cooker 
it failed due to lack of space! i assume that this is because at that point 
of the install i had yet to select snf (although it was a few weeks ago and 
my memory could be faulty) and cooker is designed to install a fully fledged 
system! given that my mnf only takes up 207mb i would like to liberate one of 
the disks but not if this will prevent me from installing/upgrading in the 
i hope i have been clearer this time :-)


On Wednesday 09 October 2002 7:27 pm, you wrote:
> > the question is, what is the minimum contiguous free space necessary to
> > install the cooker mnf, will this be different for the mnf iso?
> [root@blouma /]# df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1             2.0G  341M  1.5G  18% /
"...[Arthur] leapt to his feet like an author hearing the 
phone ring..." 

- Who says that the character of Arthur isn't 

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