i'm afraid i'm still not being clear, i'm not asking how much space mnf takes 
up, or how much it will use after being installed, but, how much is necessary 
in order to install it in the first place, as i have said before, despite 
having 1gb over two equal disks and only 200mb actually filled, an upgrade of 
snf using cooker failed due to 'lack of space', clearly the upgrade process 
required far more space on my disks than i was actually going to choose 
packages for, i'm trying to ascertain the smallest disk i need to install mnf 
on, i'm aware that post-install space is used up by urpmi and var, that is 
why i currently have /var on a separate disk, however since mnf is only 
taking up 200mb of space i would like to remove one of the disks for 
something else and put /var on a smaller partition, if mnf won't install on 
one 500mb disk, or future upgrades via a cooker upgrade or just using urpmi 
will still fail then i can't, because i'll need to have the spare space even 
if i'm not using it so that i can keep the system uptodate,
perhaps i'm the only one who had an 'out of space' error trying to upgrade 
from cooker and that is causing the confusion,
when i refer to (s)mnf i mean selecting snf-en only and letting the install 
continue from there, nothing that is not provided by that,


On Friday 11 October 2002 11:33 am, you wrote:
> > There is no answer like "you need that amount of Mb on the hard drive in
> > order to use this firewall" as this will depend on the firewall
> > configuration.
> My advice :
> If you lack disk space :
> - turn OFF the IDS ;
> - turn OFF the proxy server ;
> - do not log packets (default policies log the rejected packets) ;
> Amaury

'Life's like a beach. And then you die.'
(Small Gods)

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