Thanks for your prompt reply Jeff.  I will check out the pointers you
mentioned (I should have joined this ML straight away rather than wasting
time trying to find the rather scattered info on the Mandrake PPC webpage
forum).  I realize it is a beta, but even still, some pointers attached as a
readme to the download file would have been useful.

> From: jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 10:47:43 -0500 (CDT)

> BTW, the disk will not be
> bootable on an Old World machine.  You will need to use BootX.  And you're
> going to have other problems as well, until new iso images are released.

Any pointers on info as to how I use BootX (like I said a total newbie to
Linux but very willing and able to learn).  If there are other problems even
through the BootX route, are they insurmountable?  Should I just wait for
the new iso images or is it possible to hack my way through it?

P.S. Is there any digest form of this list available?  Nothing was mentioned
in the welcome message.

Thanks again, Pete.

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