No big problems after high mem support was compiled in - no need to 
specify boot flags or anything of the like.  Only a cosmetic problem - 
when creating the login message (/etc/rc.d/rc.local) using linux_logo - 
the available RAM comes out to be 512M instead of 1024M (which is 
correctly reported in /proc/meminfo).  So, I created a patch against the 
latest version of linux_logo.  I only patched the PPC specific file 
because I don't have an x86 machine w/ 1G of RAM!  Apparently the 
problem is the way linux_logo goes about determining the RAM size (stat 
/proc/kcore).  I'm not sure why kcore is only 512M, didn't look too deep 
into that, but in any case - it is.  So, I kept the bit about statting 
kcore and added a look into /proc/meminfo to see what was being reported 
as 'high memory' (HighTotal:) and added that in.

I imagine this is prone to bugs, though I don't have a diverse number of 
systems to test against!

In any case - (Stew) - the patch is attached.  I integrated the patch 
into the .spec file, and created an RPM for those of you out there who'd 
like it - but I'm not sure how to create a src.rpm now.  If someone 
would like to enlighten me, I'd be happy to learn :)

download location:


Brice D Ruth wrote:

> Hi there.  Back again with some news.
> I recently got my new memory (2 sticks of 512MB each) for my iMac DV 
> (memory is so incredibly inexpensive now!).  I installed the memory & 
> booted into Linux - only to find that only 512MB was detected.  Damn. 
> My first thought was that it was a hardware problem - maybe my iMac 
> wasn't *really* capable of handling 1G of memory.  So, I booted into 
> MacOS (native) - and it saw 1G of memory, no hardware problem here, 
> apparently.  Rebooted and somehow OS 9.1 had scrambled my bootstrap, 
> because I only got a '?' folder - then a boot into MacOS :( - this 
> happened before and I knew how to take care of it - boot into rescue 
> from the CD and chroot/ybin - no problem.  Except that apparently the 
> kernel on the CD (2.2.19) can't handle having that much memory around 
> - I didn't really know what to do at first, then I hit on some notes 
> and booted into rescue mode with the flag 'mem=128M' - which worked 
> fine.  I did my thing and got back into Linux.  I supplied my 
> 2.4.4-6.2 kernel with the flag 'mem=1024M' - but it still didn't see 
> the 1G of memory, only 512MB.  So, I'm recompiling the kernel w/ High 
> Memory Support enabled - hopefully that's what I need and hopefully it 
> works well on Mandrake PPC :)
> I'll report back if I have any problems - just wanted to throw this 
> out in case (a) anyone else runs into the problem or (b) you want to 
> specify something in the install instructions or modify the boot 
> kernel in some way shape or form to automagically figure this out.  
> Basically an FYI like the subject says :)
> -Brice


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