Hi Sylvain,

I can't really help you with the first two questions - sorry ;(

As for airport stuff, the first place to start is loading the module 
that supports the airport card, airport.o - the maintainer of this code 
is Ben Herrenschmidt, his site is a good place to start if you start 
running into problems.

You'll also need the iwtools package - this package works similarly to 
ifconfig, with the distinction being its configuration of wireless 
capabilities.  Once you have a system that loads the airport module 
correctly (which Mandrake should - I didn't have any problems with it) 
something to the following effect should get things going for you:

/sbin/modprobe airport
/sbin/ifconfig eth1 up
/sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid webprojkt rate 5.5M
/sbin/dhcpcd -d eth1

The first line loads the airport driver.  The second line brings up the 
interface, the third line configures its wireless capabilities - my 
airport base station id is 'webprojkt' and I the 'rate 5.5M' is optional 
- this is what I have my speed set to.  Finally, running the dhcp client 
retrieves an IP address from the base station - if you don't have DHCP 
enabled on your base station, you'll have to use ifconfig to configure 
the broadcast/netmask/IP address of the interface as well as setting 
things like DNS servers, default routes, etc.

I don't use WEP on my network, so if you need WEP, you'll need to check 
out the various resources on line - just search for WEP and airport and 
Linux and you should find some decent pages.


Sylvain OBEGI wrote:

>Does someone use XFree with a new iBook? With the latest files it doesn't
>work on my iBook..
>Does someone use (I think i will copy and paste 'Does someone use' from now
>;-) French layout for keyboard? For me q=a and a=a.. So I can't write 'q'
>(not cool to do rpm -qa :-)
>By the way, where do I find informations on how to configure a wireless
>network (airport) ?
>Thanks for your help
>Sylvain OBEGI
>www.vtr-hardware.com - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ICQ : 661913

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