On Mon Aug 20, 2001 at 02:00:37PM -0700, Ben Reser wrote:

> > > xkill, in a blank space on the desk top?
> > > it works in x86.
> > 
> > Do I need to open a terminal to do this?  If so, then that's a
> > problem... I had X hang on a startx so all that was there was the grey
> > X screen... prior to anything like gnome loading (which never did
> > load).  Trying to switch to a virtual console (CTRL-ALT-F1) did not
> > work either so I tried to kill X with keystrokes (which is what I'm
> > looking for).
> He's talking about xkill the icon on the desktop that lets you kill
> a specific application by clicking on it.  Very handy when netscape dies
> (yes I'm running Netscape in this distribution, it's a well guarded
> secret as to how <g>).  

Hmmm... not handy when you don't have a desktop.  =)

> However, this does little good in your situation.
> Ctrl+Option(Alt)+Delete works just fine for me.  I think your keyboard
> layout is messed up.  Try changing:
> Option "XkbRules" "xfreex86"
> to
> Option "XkbRules" "macintosh"

Ok, changed this and will give it a shot.  I just found out portsentry
was filling up my /var/log directory with useless junk... =(  Stupid
thing.  Suppose I shoulda configured it before putting it on my
broadcasting NIS network... =)

> I was having some weird behavior on mine before I did this.
> However, I have yet to figure out how to switch virtual terminals.  From
> what I've heard it uses the Command(apple) key which I have remapped to
> a mouse button.  So that may be why I can't get it to work.

That's possible.  I'm gonna give it a shot and we'll see what happens.

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