Hi there.

You can use Opera by making a symlink from the existing libstdc++ 
library to the one Opera is looking for ... it should be happy enough 
then :)  Opera works well enough, but you might want to give Galeon a 
try as well.  I believe it is Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine (truly 
probably the best around) embedded within a very light-weight GTK+ app, 
w/o all the XUL fluff that Mozilla has (fluff is a relative term ... I 
happen to like Mozilla)

Hope this helps

J. B. Schatz wrote:

>Has anyone experimented with installing alternate internet browsers into
>the GNOME desktop environment? I'm looking for a slim and trim (young
>and beautiful..?) replacement for Mozilla -- a lumbering monster indeed!
>I experimented with the KDE environment for a couple of weeks but now
>I've moved over to GNOME and like it much better except that one of the
>disappointments has been the default internet browsers. I decided to try
>the latest available version of Opera (opera-static-5.0-1.ppc.rpm) but
>rpm installation in bash advises that the required
>libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 is missing. Other than not having found this
>missing component, I'm not sure what other problems I might end up
>facing so I decided to query the good gurus of the Cooker-PPC.
>Thanks for any advise and insight.

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VP, Director of Internet Technology

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