> Nope, nothing special for Mandrake.  We do call the kernel vmlinuz to be
> consistant with the other arches for the install_kernel scripts etc. 
> If you added an initrd line for your kernel in yaboot, did you creat an
> initrd to go with it with mkinitrd?  The purpose here is slightly
> different than the installer or rescue image.  Since our kernel as a
> distribtution, tries to be all things to all people we have one of 2
> choices:

Ok, you got me on that one. I was trying to use the initrd that you made
with your kernel. So this time I made my own initrd like you said with
mkinitrd. I am still having the same problem but I think I may be screwing
up this initrd thing. Here is how I made it...

[root@toby rtb]# mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.17-pre1 2.4.17-pre1
mke2fs 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
[root@toby rtb]#

Is this the right way to do it? I then of course changed my yaboot.conf to
use this ram disk image and then re-ran ybin.
> typical use: scsi boot drive, or journalled "/"

I am booting from an ide disk (the one that comes in the ibook2) and not
using any jouranled file systems right now. My cd-rw is using scsi
emulation but since I am booting for the hard disk I don't think that matters.

> Try commenting out the initrd line if you don't think you need it

Well that is what I tried in the first place out of habit. Then when it
didn't work I started messing with the initrd.

> It's OK to ask here.  We don't really have any other support channel for
> Mandrake PPC, aside from the forum, and I find it easier to use email than
> to go to the web page.

Ok, well I'll be a bit more specific. When I try to boot with my kernel it
outputs the exact same stuff as whet I get from dmesg after booting with
your kernel (except for the Stew Benedict and Mandrake stuff at the top).
Then when it gets to the line that says 

SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00

(Which is about line 66 of the dmesg output) It complains about 4 times
that the Root file system is now mounted and then it hangs. So I never get
to the next line about the Macintosh non-volatile memory driver v1.0 when I
try to boot with my kernel. Your 2.4.4-6.2mdk kernel that comes with the
install however continues past that point and boots just fine. Any ideas
what might cause that?

Ryan Boder

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