On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Markku Niemivirta wrote:

> On 7.3.2002 03:18, "Ben Reser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hopefully it should work then.  If it doesn't and it really did hose
> > your linux partitions then you should install in this order.  OS9, OSX,
> > Linux.
> > 
> > Once you're back into linux you'll need to edit yaboot.conf to include
> > macosx.  
> I did my installation (on a Powerbook G3 FireWire) in this order, and I
> didn't even have to configure yaboot manually. During the installation, I
> was asked whether I  wanted to add another OS (in addition to LM8 and
> MacOS9, which were automatically detected). All I had to do was to add
> MacOSX and define the correct partition. Note, that the automatically
> detected partition for OS9 was infact the one for OSX. I just had to modify
> the partiton number for OS9 and point the other for OSX. After rebooting
> everything worked fine as such.

Glad to see a successful install.  We don't really do anything at this
point to try to detect which MacOS is present, we just grab the first
visible partition and point a yaboot entry to it.

Stew Benedict

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