I have Oldworld 7200/90 with 32 mb memory. Text install won't work,   
complains about missing kmap magic or something. Graphical install    
won't work either, I have too little memory.                          
Today I managed to acquire more ram, I have now 72 mb. (16+16+8+      
32). Text install doesn't work,  but graphical installer runs fine.   
succesfull installation I rebooted back to MacOs and tried boot to    
using BootX. I set root dev /dev/sda6 (I am sure that this is correct)
booted... Unable to mount root file system /dev/sda6. Kernel Panic,   
rebooting 180 seconds....                                             
What went wrong?                                                      
-Janne Karjanlahti                                                    

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