PowerMacintosh AGP G4/450 384MB
Mandrake 8.2 PPC beta 1 (said beta 2 in the install though)
8GB Western Digital HD (Apple branded, pull from a beige G3) set to master
on primary bus

The first 95% of the install went flawlessly, but it died consistently at
the end (I tried three times).  After all the packages had installed, during
the "install boot loader" phase, I got an error that would not let me
continue.  I am a developer and yet I committed the cardinal tech support
sin - I did not write down the error.  From memory it is:

hmount: could not mount /dev/hda10 - not an HFS volume

I couldn't continue past that point.  In the three times that I tried to
install, I used three differently partition methods, thinking that it would
affect the outcome.  It did not.  I used custom partitioning the first time,
then recommended, then whole drive.  Interestingly, no matter how I
partitioned the drive, IIRC it always gave that EXACT device number,
/dev/hda10.  If I were an Open Firmware stud, I probably could have gotten
the machine to boot from the drive at that point, but alas I am not.

I am using an 8GB Western Digital drive (Apple branded) pulled from a beige
G3, if that makes any difference.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bill Hayden
Hayden Technologies, Inc.

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