This is something I began writing about 6 months ago.  It was written to
behave as much as possible as the keyboard under Mac OS X (a normal Mac
keyboard).  I am not sure how well it works on a large keyboard, as I have
written it for, and only tested it on my ibook2 keyboard.  And yes, it
only works with Mac keycodes (not Linux keycodes) of course.

# mac-se-ibook2-0.1.0.kmap (2002-04-01)
# Copyright (C) 2002 Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

charset "iso-8859-1"
strings as usual
compose as usual for "iso-8859-1"

plain                   keycode  50 = section
shift                   keycode  50 = degree
altgr                   keycode  50 = paragraph

shift                   keycode  18 = exclam
altgr                   keycode  18 = copyright
shift altgr             keycode  18 = exclamdown

shift                   keycode  19 = quotedbl
altgr                   keycode  19 = at

shift                   keycode  20 = numbersign
altgr                   keycode  20 = sterling
shift altgr             keycode  20 = yen

shift                   keycode  21 = currency
altgr                   keycode  21 = dollar
shift altgr             keycode  21 = cent

shift                   keycode  22 = ampersand
altgr                   keycode  22 = section
shift altgr             keycode  22 = paragraph

shift                   keycode  26 = slash
altgr                   keycode  26 = bar
shift altgr             keycode  26 = backslash
shift altgr control     keycode  26 = Control_backslash

shift                   keycode  28 = parenleft
altgr                   keycode  28 = bracketleft
shift altgr             keycode  28 = braceleft

shift                   keycode  25 = parenright
altgr                   keycode  25 = bracketright
shift altgr             keycode  25 = braceright
shift altgr control     keycode  25 = Control_bracketright

shift                   keycode  29 = equal

plain                   keycode  27 = plus
shift                   keycode  27 = question
altgr                   keycode  27 = plusminus
shift altgr             keycode  27 = questiondown

plain                   keycode  24 = dead_acute
shift                   keycode  24 = dead_grave
altgr                   keycode  24 = acute
shift altgr             keycode  24 = grave

altgr                   keycode  14 = +eacute
shift altgr             keycode  14 = +Eacute

altgr                   keycode  15 = registered

altgr                   keycode  32 = +udiaeresis
shift altgr             keycode  32 = +Udiaeresis

plain                   keycode  33 = +aring
shift                   keycode  33 = +Aring

plain                   keycode  30 = dead_diaeresis
shift                   keycode  30 = dead_circumflex
altgr                   keycode  30 = dead_tilde
shift altgr             keycode  30 = dead_caron
shift control           keycode  30 = Control_asciicircum
shift altgr control     keycode  30 = Control_asciicircum

altgr                   keycode   1 = ssharp

altgr                   keycode   2 = +eth
shift altgr             keycode   2 = +ETH

plain                   keycode  41 = +odiaeresis
shift                   keycode  41 = +Odiaeresis
altgr                   keycode  41 = +oslash
shift altgr             keycode  41 = +Ooblique

plain                   keycode  39 = +adiaeresis
shift                   keycode  39 = +Adiaeresis
altgr                   keycode  39 = +ae
shift altgr             keycode  39 = +AE

plain                   keycode  42 = apostrophe
shift                   keycode  42 = asterisk
altgr                   keycode  42 = dead_doubleacute
shift altgr             keycode  42 = multiply

plain                   keycode  10 = less
shift                   keycode  10 = greater
altgr                   keycode  10 = bar
shift altgr             keycode  10 = brokenbar

altgr                   keycode   8 = +ccedilla
shift altgr             keycode   8 = +Ccedilla

plain                   keycode  43 = comma
shift                   keycode  43 = semicolon
altgr                   keycode  43 = dead_cedilla
shift altgr             keycode  43 = dead_ogonek

plain                   keycode  47 = period
shift                   keycode  47 = colon
altgr                   keycode  47 = periodcentered

plain                   keycode  44 = minus
shift                   keycode  44 = underscore
altgr                   keycode  44 = hyphen
shift altgr             keycode  44 = macron
shift control           keycode  44 = Control_underscore

plain                   keycode  76 = Linefeed

plain                   keycode  71 = Boot
plain                   keycode  89 = KP_7
plain                   keycode  91 = KP_8
plain                   keycode  92 = KP_9
plain                   keycode  75 = KP_Divide
plain                   keycode  81 = KP_Enter
plain                   keycode  86 = KP_4
plain                   keycode  87 = KP_5
plain                   keycode  88 = KP_6
plain                   keycode  67 = KP_Multiply
plain                   keycode  83 = KP_1
plain                   keycode  84 = KP_2
plain                   keycode  85 = KP_3
plain                   keycode  78 = KP_Subtract
plain                   keycode  82 = KP_0
plain                   keycode  65 = KP_Comma
plain                   keycode  69 = KP_Add
plain                   keycode 116 = PageUp
plain                   keycode 115 = Home
plain                   keycode 121 = PageDown
plain                   keycode 119 = End

# end of file

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