>             A few Things I've noticed since I've installed mandrake on
> my powerbook.
>             Gnome: Application "bonibo-moniker-archiver" Segfaults
> gnome is starting just before nautilus begins.  (I'm left with the red
> "root" backround similar to KDE's.)   (if I try and access it through
> the gnome control panel same thing happens.)

Known, see the updated control panel and xscreensaver on my web-space.

update xscreensaver (rpm -Uvh)
possibly uninstall gnome-pilot, gnome-control-center,
gnome-control-center-plus (rpm -e)
clean out /usr/share/control-center
(first rpm -qif /usr/share/control-center, to make sure it's not owned
anything, then rm -fr /usr/share/control-center)
install the new gnome-control-center (rpm -i)

>             Sound: While a sound card was detected during the
> installation, at bootup it loads the sound module (dmasound_pmac), and
> there is a slight tick I can hear through the speakers at the point
> it loads.  When gnome loads Application
> "/usr/bin/sound-properties-control" Segfaults, and Crashes.  

Same problem as above.

(if I start
> in KDE I get the error "SNDCTL_DSP_SETMFT" Failed -Invalid Argument,
> sound server will continue to use the null output device.)

Switch artsd to 8 bit sound.

>             Samba: At Startup Both SMB, and NMB services fail.   

Missing libattr1. Should be on the mirrors.

Stew Benedict

PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

        When I try changing artsd to 8 bit sound "artsd -bits 8" nothing
seems to happen, am I doing something wrong?  Everything else works
great, airport, x, etc.... it's almost perfect.

Thanks again,
Art Napor

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