On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Colin Ward wrote:

CW> I've had those same pmud problems since the 8.2beta1 release. I did
CW> post them here and there was a pmud update, it didn't fix the problem
CW> for me. The only way i can get pmud to work on the ibook is to use one
CW> of benh's kernels. You even get a nice little bat meter in status bar
CW> and acurate readout for charging-useage etc. But if i use that kernel
CW> my Speed touch modem refuses to work, which sucks. Everything eles
CW> works though, very well. COlin

I run wmbatppc now in my WindowMaker dock which seems to work. I can't say
if the readout is accurate, but at least there is some readout that seems
correct. wmbatppc uses pmud.


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