you're a legend Stew!!

Out of curiosity, is there anywhere that has these little bits of
information?  Any websites somewhere?  If not, then I might look at
adding a page to mine that answers a lot of these (basic?) questions,
i.e., the little anomalies such as mouse problems require a reboot, and
where to set ESSID's for airport networks.  It's wonderful having you
and Ben here, but I really don't know where to start looking to get some
of these questions answered.   I'm not a new Linux user, yet I felt like
it with some of these questions this morning...  there doesn't appear to
be any documentation that has the answers to these sorts of questions. 

Unfortunately, I can't offer any help programming (unless it's java or
web based) but I could put up some pages that answer these questions if
you think it may be of use.

One of the other ones that totally eludes me is how to tell trackpad to
always disable tap option.  I recall that you answered this question
once with a 'read the documentation'... but unless I'm looking in the
wrong places, I see no documentation for trackpad.  So this is another
good candidate for a LM PPC FAQ.   Maybe we need a generic LM FAQ site,
which is easy to use to find this sort of information.  

Just a thought!!

I'll stop hassling you now that my mouse and airport are all sorted. 
Thanks for the help Stew & Ben... 


On Sat, 2002-05-04 at 10:35, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On 4 May 2002, Nick Texidor wrote:
> > 
> > hmmm.. interesting!!  I tried the one button usb mouse before, and it
> > didn't work.  However, this time, after checking all the above, and then
> > rebooting it worked.  So it seems that I can't reconfigure the mouse
> > without a reboot... no wonder I couldn't get it back.
> > 
> > 
> > I seem to have lost my F11 & F12 settings though...  I'll do some
> > searching.
> > 
> The installed version of mousedrake isn't PPC aware, it will wipe out your
> mouse-button emulation:
> /etc/sysctl.conf:
> dev.mac_hid.mouse_button_emulation = 1
> dev.mac_hid.mouse_button2_keycode = 87
> dev.mac_hid.mouse_button3_keycode = 88
> Stew Benedict
> -- 
> MandrakeSoft  

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