Hi there,

Installed 8.2 on my G3 BW and I must say it works great (first distro to have
working right after the install...bye bye YDL...)

I have an additional 30GB IDE hard drive partitioned in two:

-/dev/hdf6 is an Apple HFS partition, I can mount it with no problem under 8.2

-/dev/hdf7 that is an SVR2 partition that I CAN'T get to mount whatever tool I
use to
partition it (pdisk under MacOS or XFdrake under 8.2)
Everytime, mount gives me an error message about this rebel partition like it's
the correct fs...
tried a bunch of variation around 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hdf7 /mnt/yap15' with no

This rebel ext2 partition gives me a hard time, does anybody have this type of
Any clue?

By the way, is there any KDE 3 PPC rpm available for 8.2 yet? What about
open-office 1.0

Bye all

| Patrick LADAM                   |                               |
| Laboratoire CSSB                |     THE BIG BANG THEORY:      |
| UFR SMBH                        |                               |
| 74 rue Marcel Cachin            |   In the begining there was   |
| 93017 Bobigny CEDEX             |        nothing at all.        |
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