On Sat, Jun 08, 2002 at 12:48:31AM -0700, Ben Reser wrote:
> There are new pbbuttonsd, gtkpbbuttons and powerprefs RPMS up on my
> site.  The changelogs are as follows:

Ohh and I forgot to add that while these are listed under the 8.2
directory they should work fine under 8.0.  Assuming you follow the
instructions I gave in my original posting of them:

These RPMS will work with 8.2, if you want to use it with 8.0 it should
install however you'll need to change the paths to the pmu and the mixer
in the /etc/pbbuttonsd.conf to the following:
pmu = "/dev/pmu"
mixer = "/dev/mixer"


We tend to see all wars through the lens of the current conflict, and we
mine history for lessons convenient to the present purpose.
- Brian Hayes

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