On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Yvon Thoraval wrote:

> >
> >On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Yvon Thoraval wrote:
> >
> >.
> >> Section "Device"
> >>     Identifier  "ATI Mach64 1"
> >>     VendorName  "Unknown"
> >>     BoardName   "Unknown"
> >>     Driver      "ati"
> >
> >Right here --------^^ 
> >try Driver "fbdev"
> no change

Not sure what to tell you from here.  fbdev is the "generic" X driver in
the PPC world.  If that won't even bring up X in some sort of mode, then
you're running out of options.  Are there errors in the log?

Stew Benedict

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