Le Jeudi 1 Août 2002 19:36, Jeroen Diederen a écrit :
> I deleted one of my users and added it later on again. In the directory in
> the home of that user, the .DCOPserver is not flickering in red anymore.
> The two .DCOPserver files are still linked I think. I would like to repair
> this because this user has no longer sound. What can I do ?

This file, if not exist, is automically recreate by kde apps, then, I think 
you can delete it, at next login, all will be repaire.

When you create a new this file does not exist, then I don't see other way 
that create it on the fly.

> ------------------------------------------
> Best regards,
> Jeroen Diederen
> http://diederen.demon.nl

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