On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 04:01:18PM -0500, Barry Hertzberg wrote:
> Ben, I'm not sure where you wanted me to type in chkconfig --del 
> internet (with 2 dashes like that??) But i tried at the boot up and I 
> tried where it was freezing on me, to no avail.

Best way to do it is to do this:
Boot off the install CD.
At the boot prompt type "rescue"
If it asks you want to "install" off the CDROM (you're not really
installing but the dialogs are written like you are).
After the system boots up you'll get a shell.
Type "chroot /mnt"
Then "chkconfig --del internet"
Then "exit"
Then "reboot"

Take the CD out of the drive and it ought to get past the whole checking
internet connections stuff...


"If you're not making any mistakes, you're flat out not trying hard
enough." - Jim Nichols

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