On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Thomas Geenen wrote:

> dear stew
> i run sendmail 8.12.6 -3mdk and use it together with kmail
> it works but it is slow. It takes a couple of minutes before a message is 
> being send. That means it will stay in the outbox for a couple of minutes. I 
> have sendmail in kmail configured to "send now".
> cheers
> Thomas Geenen

A little more info please.  Sendmail as a local delivery agent or internet
mail or both?  Sendmail will have a noticeable delay if it has trouble
with a hostname lookup.  Mine's sort of broken as I'm forcing my hostname
to mandrakesoft.com on the RS6000, for rpm building, but that's not the
machine/network's real name. 

If you're using kmail strictly for internet mail, can't it post mail
directly to your ISP's smtp server?  (Sorry I don't really use kmail, so
I'm not sure of it's capabilities). Unless you're using sendmail to do
some masquerading or something, you may be adding an extra layer of
complexity in there that's not needed.

I know I've piped mail into sendmail from the command line on the RS6000
to make sure it was working for local delivery for cron jobs, and it went
through right away.  I haven't really set it up for internet mail on that
machine as that is done on another machine on my network that I don't
subject to cooker, but I can try to duplicate your setup if I get a chance
and see what's going on.

BTW - your mailer is overriding the "Reply To:" for the list so I have to
reply to all recipients for my answers to hit the list.

Stew Benedict

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