On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Christian Walther wrote:

> > OK - so it sounds like we need the radeon driver from Ben's kernel, or an
> > alternate kernel.  I've been putting together an alternative Benh-Mdk
> > kernel, which I think I'll provide as an alternative install/system
> > kernel.  Would you like to test it?
> Sure. Just tell me where to get it.
>  -Christian


kernel-benh-2.4.20-1mdk.ppc.rpm  kernel-benh-smp-2.4.20-1mdk.ppc.rpm

The only thing I've booted with it is a 7600. At this point it's a pure
BenH kernel, with a mdk .config, so there are lots of modules.  I'd like
to patch in supermount and xfs.

Next week I'd like to build up a new BOOT kernel for the installer, and
I'd do a BenH version at the same time.  I'll follow up with how to 
merge these into the last ISO stuff if anyone wants to try them.

Stew Benedict

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