I remember when you could download full iso disks of the best at that point in time cooker installs. Usually two to three disks. I know people think that cooker gets updated allot thus you don't have this for the time being. It would be nice though if someone did release a really good Cooker PPC iso set for some of us who would rather download that instead.

Also it would be nice if this release had the most compatible Xfree86 for powerbook G4's the 667 and up. It seems that this has been the biggest issue. I have been having great pains in trying to set this up and it would be nice if someone out there would be kind enough to create a iso release that supported these portable devices.

Other than that who is here with me on this? What is your opinion other than the CVS changes too much etc, etc. Just an idea.


Jonathan C. Sitte

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