On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Christian Walther wrote:

> Some tidbits from my efforts to get Linux onto my new PowerBook G4 867MHz:
> o Kernel 2.4.20-benh-2mdk works fine. Not more or less sleep or X issues
> than before: colors on the X console are wrong after waking up, right again
> after switching to a text console and back. X only works in 16bit frambuffer
> mode, but that's probably XF86's fault.
> o Sound works after I "modprobe dmasound_pmac". Why is this not done on
> startup?

Should have been an entry in /etc/modules.conf:

alias sound-slot-0 dmasound_pmac

> o Sometimes (but as far as I remember not always), gnome-panel segfaults
> when logging out of gnome.

Haven't seen this one.  I did have a weird gnome experience the other day,
but I had upgraded a lot of while it was running, so it didn't suprise me
too much.

> o I've found this page from someone who uses yellowdog on such a powerbook:
>   http://www.staikos.on.ca/~staikos/tibook/

Checking it out now.  Doesn't seem to want to come up for some reason.

> o Recently, something went wrong with my linux install (I did so many
> experiments that I've no idea what it was): Files have vanished. perl is
> gone, xinetd is gone, bzip2 is gone, wget is gone, which is gone, and
> probably some more that I didn't discover yet. Trying to urpmi them again
> just says "everything already installed". So my system is now in a pretty
> unusable state (which is no catastrophe because it's a purely experimental
> system anyway), and I'm in for a reinstall. However, I'd like to wait until
> an installer with a benh kernel is out, so that I can try out the graphical
> install, is that going to happen anytime soon? Or can I easily build such an
> installer myself?

I did build up a kernel-benh-BOOT and added it to my installer tree, I
wanted to update my core 2.4 kernel also and then possibly make another
ISO.  I'm going to try and enjoy the holiday a bit, but I may be able to
have a stage1/kernel and some instructions on merging it with the 2nd ISO
up on Thurs or Fri.

Not sure what happened with your missing files.

Stew Benedict

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