On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, Alex Horvath wrote:

> Next problem,
> I installed the Mandrake Internet Connection Sharing server, and it works.
> i need to know a couple of things though:
> is there a firewall installed by default ?

I've been so immersed in cooker for the last 9 months, I'm starting to
forget what 8.2 had.  It seems to me that release did not have the GUI
firewall tool.  Previously we had shipped Bastille and had a nice simple
config tool, now it's shorewall in cooker and again there is a
configurator under drakconf/security.  

> where would I find the script for it if there is one, and if not, how would
> you recommend adding one (I have a cople of scripts that I can use, I just
> don't know where to add them)

If shorewall is available as a package, you could use it, or of you have
home-brewed scripts, they could be launched from rc.local.

> Also, I need port forwarding for a couple of ports (vnc and FTP first of
> all), how do i add this functionality ?  Is there a graphical tool for this
> ?

iptable rules should allow you to do port forwarding.  I use a standalone
router (or did until I lost my DSL now), so all my had been done there.
Maybe someone elso on the list knows of some tools for this (Webmin

Stew Benedict

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