
as you're making ISOs again, this could be the time for some contribution to
enhance the user experience on the Mac side of the hybrid CD, namely the
type and creator properties that tell the Mac OS Finder what application to
launch when one double-clicks a file.

>From examining the latest ISO, it seems that you are making these ISOs using
the (CD)/misc/ script, is that right?

My modifications are:

o I have modified the files (CD)/misc/tools/ppc/mapping and
(CD)/misc/tools/ppc/magic in order to produce more appropriate
types/creators for the files on the CD. I don't attach these files here
because there's no point in the whole list getting them, but I can send them
to you privately, if you like.

o (CD)/misc/, line 213, reads:

    system("hattrib -t APPL -c STi0 'Mandrake Linux Install.sit'");

This is just plain wrong, and causes the "error -39" problem described on . For this file to open
with StuffIt Expander when double-clicked, this line should be

    system("hattrib -t SITD -c SITx 'Mandrake Linux Install.sit'");

but I doubt that it's necessary at all, since my updated mapping file should
take care of this.

I haven't tried out all that yet, because I suspect that making my own ISO
would require some work getting my installer tree into a suitable form
first, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work.


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