On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Christian Walther wrote:

> Stew,
> as you're making ISOs again, this could be the time for some contribution to
> enhance the user experience on the Mac side of the hybrid CD, namely the
> type and creator properties that tell the Mac OS Finder what application to
> launch when one double-clicks a file.
> >From examining the latest ISO, it seems that you are making these ISOs using
> the (CD)/misc/mkcd_ppc.pl script, is that right?
> My modifications are:
> o I have modified the files (CD)/misc/tools/ppc/mapping and
> (CD)/misc/tools/ppc/magic in order to produce more appropriate
> types/creators for the files on the CD. I don't attach these files here
> because there's no point in the whole list getting them, but I can send them
> to you privately, if you like.

Sounds good thanks. Send it on over.  I'm still all setup and can make a
new iso in just a few minutes to test it.

> o (CD)/misc/mkcd_ppc.pl, line 213, reads:
>     system("hattrib -t APPL -c STi0 'Mandrake Linux Install.sit'");
> This is just plain wrong, and causes the "error -39" problem described on
> http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/82errata-ppc.php3 . For this file to open
> with StuffIt Expander when double-clicked, this line should be

I think I changed this at some point based on someone else's suggestion,
when we were getting different errors opening up that file.  I'm more than
happy to give your suggestion a whirl and stop answering stuffit questions

>     system("hattrib -t SITD -c SITx 'Mandrake Linux Install.sit'");
> but I doubt that it's necessary at all, since my updated mapping file should
> take care of this.
> I haven't tried out all that yet, because I suspect that making my own ISO
> would require some work getting my installer tree into a suitable form
> first, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
>  -Christian

Stew Benedict

PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ppcFAQ.php3
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