Thanks everyone for all the info, this is what i ended up doing
in case someone has similar problems

i ran first 
%/sbin/modprobe sbp2
%tail -f var/log/messages

nothing was recognized when i plug in the burner, it was telling me 
something about loading base ieee1394 drivers first
so i did the following
%/sbin/modprobe ieee1394
%/sbin/modprobe spb2

toastx was able to see the drive, still can't mount it yet,
I was able to burn a disc, although i got bad data, but i guess i just
have to play with the settings to make sure its doing everything right


On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Antonio Netzer wrote:
> >here is the entry for my firewire card in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf
> >
> >-
> >class: FIREWIRE
> >bus: PCI
> >detached: 0
> >driver: ohci1394
> >desc: "Lucent Microelectronics|FW323"
> >vendorId: 11c1
> >deviceId: 5811
> >subVendorId: 11c1
> >subDeviceId: 5811
> >pciType: 1
> >
> >I have a Que! Fire 16x10x40x cwr burner, how can I mount this device in 
> >linux??
> >
> >my /etc/fstab file reads
> >
> >/dev/hde10   / ....
> >/dev/hde9    swap ...
> >none /proc           proc            defaults 0 0
> >none /proc/bus/usb   usbdevfs        defaults 0 0
> >none /dev/shm        tmpfs           defaults 0 0
> >none /dev/pts        devpts          gid=5, mode=620 0 0
> >/dev/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom      iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
> >/dev/hde6    /mnt/macos      hfs     noauto,rw       0 0
> >/dev/hde7    /mnt/macosX     hfs     defaults        0 0
> >
> >thanks
> >  
> >
> Antonio,
> Probably there is a nicer way to do this, but when playing with new 
> devices, I log in as root, and then do a tail -f /var/log/messages Once 
> I have that running, I plug in the device, and see what it gets 
> registered as (this is how I found out that my USB CF Reader is /dev/sda1).
> I hope this  helps,
> Craig...

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