Sounds pretty straightforward - you're out of space. What size partitions
did you use?

I used the "erase hard drive option," which appears to just partition everything using the defaults.
I tried messing around with the custom partitioning a bit, but I would always get a "no bootstrap" error when I try to save the partitioning scheme.
If anyone could give me a fix for this, but also give me a good way to partition a 38GB hard drive for Mandrake, please tell me.

Missed you on IRC, I was wondering why you opted to use a
60000 ramdisk?

No reason in particular. I saw that you needed extra in order to load the second and third CDs, so I though I'd give it a bit of extra room. (You must understand, I am a complete newbie to Linux and UNIX, except for a bit of tinkering around on the OS X terminal.)


On Thursday, June 12, 2003, at 05:47 AM, Stew Benedict wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Micah Buckley-Farlee wrote:

OK I've searched the archives, can't seem to find a fix, so here goes...
Alright, I start installing, and it installs all of the packages fine,
and then the problems occur. After i have entered the root password,
created my password, and set the auto-login, it tries to install the
At first i get an error box that says:
"Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occured:
:Cannot create temp file. aborting.
ybin: An error occured while building first stage loader. aborting..."

After dismissing this box, the following text shows up in the
"Can't do inplace edit on /mnt/etc/modules.conf: No space left on
device at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/MDK/Common/ line 226."

Sounds pretty straightforward - you're out of space. What size partitions
did you use? Missed you on IRC, I was wondering why you opted to use a
60000 ramdisk?

Stew Benedict


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