On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 09:06:24AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am hoping someone has some info on what I am seeing on my G3 PB 
> (Pismo). Occationally (say once every 50 sleep/wake-up cycles) the PB 
> freezes upon wake up. Here's what I observe:
>    * PB goes to sleep normally up closing the lid (or appears to)
>    * Lifting the lid initiates wake-up,
>          o The screen appears
>          o The backlight comes on
>          o The hard drive spins up
>    * However the computer is frozen, no mouse, no activity on the
>      screen, the PB will not return pings from another computer
> I have examined /var/log/messages for any clues. All I see is the PB 
> going to sleep (PMUD entries), and then a restart is the next line. I 
> haven't been able to correlate it to any application (for a while I 
> thought it was ethereal, but I can't reliably recreate it)

In the past things like this have been bugs in the XFree86 code.  If you
switch to a VT before putting the PB to sleep and then switch back to X
after and it works then it is a XFree86 bug.


"What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can
no longer believe you." -- Nietzsche

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