Hello Mosfet,

Wednesday, Wednesday, August 25, 1999, you wrote:

M> I am not sure what this is about but there are two new mailers in development
M> that I am aware of. One which is what you seem to have run into - Mahogany, the
M> other is empath. Mahogany has not been released yet to the public AFAIK, empath
M> is in kdenonbeta and not considered ready for users yet (it doesn't actually do
M> anything ;-)
just saw this:
It is Magellan - mail client, notes app etc. for KDE.
No source released yet :(((

as I mentioned in the original msg it looked very similar to 'Notes',
so much people thought it WAS Notes running under Vmware.

I will ask the guy to repost the link to the gif.
It looked great and if anywhere close to release I would love to run

In short there may be 3 email programs under development floating around ....
Mahogany seems to be at least partly released as I saw on their
website but it maybe 98 only sofar..

I have a feeling though that none of them will make current cooker
considering there is this mood of getting a version without bugs out
(g) , something I am in favour of...

M>  On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, tracer wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> Monday, Monday, August 23, 1999, you wrote:
>> DF> This is about empath isn't it ?
>> DF> empath is a KDE-based mail reader, currently in the kdenonbeta package.
>> DF> Or it might be about another one, whose name I can't remember,
>> DF> and which hasn't been committed to the KDE cvs.
>> just had this as link
>> http://www.phy.hw.ac.uk/~karsten/Mahogany/copyright.html
>> I dropped off a node to get in as internet on my side was kind of
>> slow.
>> There IS an email program there, and it all probably means more to you
>> guys then to me.
>> I will grab a copy to play with later when speed is better.
>> Now installingLinux on the kiddies system (g)

Best regards,


M> I am not sure what this is about but there are two new mailers in development
M> that I am aware of. One which is what you seem to have run into - Mahogany, the
M> other is empath. Mahogany has not been released yet to the public AFAIK, empath
M> is in kdenonbeta and not considered ready for users yet (it doesn't actually do
M> anything ;-)

M>  On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, tracer wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> Monday, Monday, August 23, 1999, you wrote:
>> DF> This is about empath isn't it ?
>> DF> empath is a KDE-based mail reader, currently in the kdenonbeta package.
>> DF> Or it might be about another one, whose name I can't remember,
>> DF> and which hasn't been committed to the KDE cvs.
>> just had this as link
>> http://www.phy.hw.ac.uk/~karsten/Mahogany/copyright.html
>> I dropped off a node to get in as internet on my side was kind of
>> slow.
>> There IS an email program there, and it all probably means more to you
>> guys then to me.
>> I will grab a copy to play with later when speed is better.
>> Now installingLinux on the kiddies system (g)

Best regards,


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