Garrett Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you either of you want another hand in the pot, send me message
> strings as well.  
> I'm playing with different distributions today. My wife and daughter are
> out of town, and I have a lot of time on my hands. I could have the
> english translation back in a matter of hours.

well here it is :)

my %stepsHelp = (
selectLanguage => 
 __("Choose the language which you approved. This one govern the language's system."),
selectPath => 
 __("Choose \"Installation\" if you never have installed Linux system on this computer 
or if you wish
to install several of them on this machine.

Choose \"Update\" if you wish to update a Linux system Mandrake 5.1 (Venice), 5.2 
(Leeloo), 5.3 (Festen) or
 6.0 (Venus)."),
selectInstallClass => 
  - Beginer: if you have never installed Linux system and wish to install the system 
\"Product of the year\" for 1999, click here.
  - Developer: if wish to use your Linux system to build software, you will find your 
happiness here.
  - Server: if you wish to install the operating system elected 
\"Distribution/Server\" for 1999,
choose this installation class.
  - Expert: if you alway know very fine GNU/Linux and that you wish to preserve the 
control of the installation, this class is for you."),
setupSCSI => 
 __("The system did not detect a SCSI card. If you have one (or several) click on 
\"Yes\" and choose the module
to be tested. In the contrary case, cliquez on \"Not\".

If you don't know if you have interfaces SCSI, consult the documentation delivered 
with your computer
or, if you use Microsoft Windows 95/98, consult the file \"Peripheral manager\" of the 
item \"System\"
 of the \"Control panel\"."),
partitionDisks => 
 __("In this stage, you will must partion your hard disk. It consists in cutting your 
disk in several zones
(which are not equal). This operation, for spectacular and intimidating that it is,
 is not hardly if you be carrefull so that you do. 
Also, take your time, are sure you before click on \"Finishing\" and READ the handbook 
of DiskDrake
before use them."),

#"In this stage, you must partition your hard disk. Partitioning is the
#division of space on the hard disk into zones (which need not be equal) and
#certain types of software are installed in certain partitions. This
#operation, while both spectacular and intimidating, is not difficult to do
#if you understand what your system needs and what you need to do in the
#process. If you are uncertain, read the DiskDrake handbook and the
#Partitioning HOWTO before you proceed. Be cautious during this step. If you
#make an error, consult the DiskDrake handbook as to how to go about
#correcting it."

formatPartitions => 
 __("The partitions lately created must be formatted so that the system can use them.
You can also format partitions previously created and used if you wish to remove all 
the data they
contain. Note that it is not necessary to format the partitions already created and in 
if they contain data you want to keep (typical cases: /home and /usr/local)."),
choosePackages => 
 __("You now have the possibility of choosing the software that you wish to install.

Please note that packages manage the dependences: that means that if you wish to 
a software requiring the presence of another software, the latter will be 
automatically selected
and that it will be impossible for you to install the former without installing the 

Information on each category of packages and each one of them is available in the zone 
located above buttons of confirmation/selection/deselection."),
doInstallStep => 
 __("Selected packages are now getting installed on your system. This operation take 
only a few minutes."),
configureMouse => 
configureNetwork =>
configureTimezone =>
configureServices =>
configurePrinter =>
setRootPassword => 
 __("The system now requires an administrator password for your Linux system.
This passwd is required of you by twice in order to being certain of its spelling.

Choose it carefully because it mainly conditions the good functioning of your system.
Indeed, only the administrator (also named \"root\") is able to configure the computer.
The password should not be too simple so that whoever cannot be connected under this 
It should not be either too sophisticated under penalty of being difficult to retain 
and, finally, forgotten.

When you wish to connect yourselves on your Linux system as an administrator, the 
is \"root\" and the \"password\", this one which you now will indicate."),
addUser => 
 __("You can now authorize one or more people to be connected on your Linux system. 
Each one of
them will profit from his own environment will be able to configure.

It is very important that you create at least one user even if you are the only person 
who will connect
herself on this machine. Indeed, if runnig the system as \"root\" is attractive, that 
is a very bad idea. This last having all the rights it is certain that at one time you 
will broke all.
This is highly preferable you connect as simple user and that you use the account 
\"root\" only when
that is essential."),
doInstallStep => 
 __("The system being now copied on your disk, he is now time to indicate to it from 
where it will have to start.
Unless you know exactly what you do, always choose \"First sector of drive\"."),
createBootdisk =>
setupBootloader =>
configureX =>
configureX => 
 __("It is now time to configure the graphic server. First of all, choose your 
monitor. You have then
the possibility of testing your configuration and of reconsidering your choices if the 
latter are not
appropriate to you."),
exitInstall =>

thanks, cu Pixel.

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