On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> webmedic wrote:
> > 
> > One other request if it is possible. I use an ls-120 drive
> > exclusively and mandrake uses it just fine just like it
> > would a floppy. even when I'm installing cooker I do it all
> > from my ls-120 accept one problem. When it comes time to
> > make a boot disk during the install, the install doesn't
> > recognize my ls-120 because it is looking for /dev/fd0 and
> > not /dev/hdd. On my system my ls-120 is /dev/hdd.
> > 
> Glad to see I'm not the only one using it. Rawrite won't work with it
> either.
Maybe rawrite won't but i just use 
dd < boot.img > /dev/hdd
from linux but i use linuxconf to set up the mount points
first and i set it not to mount at boot then i set my
floppy icon on my desktop to /dev/hdd instead of dev/fd0.
using it this way linux can use it exactly like a floppy
drive or an ls120 it sees both types of floppies equally

                        Brook Humphrey
                        Owner, Mobile PC Medic
                        webmaster, www.thelinuxstop.com
                        webmaster, www.webmedic.net

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