
On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 07:04:47PM +0200, Florent Lesieur wrote:

> The keyboard selection should be the first question asked.

No, the second, so the question can be asked in the language the user
choosed :)

I allready made a diff for that supplementary menu; it should be
available now, or very soon.
The list of supported keyboards is the one from the xmodmap files
of the gkbd applet of Gnome, which are mainly Xmodmaps I'd collected
along the years (most of them come from taking the layout showed on my
last MS-DOS manual, when I was still on the dark side, and DOS still
came with usefull manuals).
If you use a keyboard not on the following list mail me, I would
be interested to have info on it.

# key => [ "short description", "xxxxxxxxx"    "yyyy"],
# whith xxxxxx.map being the console keymap that will be used on text mode
# and /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.yyy the xmodmap used on X11
 "be" => [ _("Belgian"),        "be-latin1",   "be" ],
 "bg" => [ _("Bulgarian"),      "bg",          "bg" ],
 "fr" => [ _("French"),         "fr-latin1",   "fr" ],
 "gr" => [ _("Greek"),          "gr-8859_7",   "gr" ],
 "pt" => [ _("Portuguese"),     "pt-latin1",   "pt" ],
 "pl" => [ _("Polish"),         "pl-latin2",   "pl" ],
 "sk" => [ _("Slovakian"),      "sk-latin2",   "sk" ],
 "hu" => [ _("Hungarian"),      "hu-latin2",   "hu" ],
 "tr_f"  => [ _("Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"), "tr_f-latin5", "tr_f" ],
 "tr_q" => [ _("Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"), "tr_q-latin5", "tr_q" ],
 "cz" => [ _("Czech"),          "cz-latin2",   "cz" ],
 "qc" => [ _("Canadian (Quebec)"), "qc-latin1", "qc" ],
 "de" => [ _("German"),         "de-latin1",   "de" ],
 "il" => [ _("Israelian"),      "il-8859_8",   "il" ],
 "ru" => [ _("Russian"),        "ru-koi8",     "ru" ],
 "uk" => [ _("UK keyboard"),    "uk-latin1",   "uk" ],
 "us" => [ _("US keyboard"),    "us-latin",    "us" ],
 "dk" => [ _("Danish"),         "dk-latin1",   "dk" ],
 "is" => [ _("Icelandic"),      "is-latin1",   "is" ],
"dvorak" => [ _("Dvorak"),      "dvorak",      "dvorak" ],
 "la" => [ _("Latin American"), "la-latin1",   "la" ],
 "it" => [ _("Italian"),        "it-latin1",   "it" ],
 "sf" => [ _("Swiss (french layout)"), "sf-latin1", "sf" ],
 "yu" => [ _("Yugoslavian (latin layout)"), "yu-latin2", "yu" ],
 "fi" => [ _("Finnish"),        "fi-latin1",   "fi" ],
 "nl" => [ _("Dutch"),          "nl-latin1",   "nl" ],
 "sg" => [ _("Swiss (german layout)"), "sg-latin1", "sg" ],
 "no" => [ _("Norwegian"),      "no-latin1",   "no" ],
 "si" => [ _("Slovenian"),      "si-latin1",   "si" ],
 "th" => [ _("Thai keyboard"),  "th",          "th" ],
 "am" => [ _("Armenian"),       "am-armscii8",  "am" ],
# georgian keyboards have to be written...
# I've the necesary info as gif images, but priority is low and I'm busy
# if you need it tell me, otherwise I will put it on standby
#"ge_ru"=>[_("Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)","ge_ru-georgian_academy","ge_ru"],
#"ge_la"=>[_("Georgian ("\Latin\" layout)","ge_la-georgian_academy","ge_ru"],

you will note that the japanese keyboards are missing; not that japanese
input will be supported during install; but having the / . ; , ? * ( ) ^[ ]
etc keys misconfigured can be quite annoying...
so I'm very interested in a descript of the layout of the japanese
keyboards as used by Toshiba in its laptops for example.

Ki ça vos våye bén,
Pablo Saratxaga

http://www.ping.be/~pin19314/           PGP Key available, key ID: 0x8F0E4975

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